gray and brown mountain

Do you have a DREAM? Or Do you have a GOAL?

gray and brown mountain

Do you have a DREAM? Or Do you have a GOAL?

In my life, I have had many dreams that have come true or maybe fallen short. I am sure we all have felt that way at one time or another. I know sometimes we all feel that having a dream is the easy part, then life is stacked against us, and those dreams seem to be crushed like that cockroach trying to get into your house. (Shiver, YUCK!) You are not alone; I have felt that way more times than I can seem to count. Then there are those dreams that seem like they are like the highest mountain. Sure, the path up the mountain seems easy at first, then the path begins to get steeper and steeper until you are using a rope to try and climb up. I don’t know about you, but I am no mountain climber so those dreams seem to get way to hard and my brain tells me that I will never reach the top, that I ate one to many twinkies to climb that rope. This is when I give up and say to myself, If I couldn’t climb the rope in gym, then why would I want to do it now. 

One thing I have realized recently in my forties is that it is okay to have as many dreams as you want. Almost all of them are obtainable if you change your mindset. I have learned that if I take a dream, break it down into smaller pieces, the mountain that seemed to steep and the rope too hard to climb turns into a hill with some sharp rocks to pass, but they are passable. How do I do this? I have learned to change my dreams into goals. Yep, those things that your teachers in middle school talked about and said we needed to have. Don’t tell my teachers that it took me to my forties to figure this out, I don’t want to hear the I told you so. 

I sit down at my desk and choose a dream that I would like to obtain. (My latest is writing a book and getting it published) Then I break it out into smaller pieces that are way more manageable for someone with seven kids and ADHD. I set a timeframe because hey I have ADHD and procrastinate until the last minute then go full bore like I did in college before a huge paper was due. By doing this I seem to reach my attended outcome. Sometimes it takes me a little longer than what I wanted, but life has a way of doing that. I am a believer that things happen when they are attended to happen and not a minute before. 

There are those dreams that we all have that, sure you would like to do or have or be, but those are the dreams that I say are the keep trying dreams. Hey, I can dream all day that I will become a New York Times best seller and ya, someday it might happen. Those are the dreams that are not 100% up to me therefore it does not matter how much I break them down and work towards them, they will happen if and when they are meant to. Those are the dreams that stay on the back burner and become long term dreams. It doesn’t mean that I am not going to continue to work my hardest towards them, it just means that there are higher powers involved that have nothing to do with me and my desires or wants. It means that if it is meant to be it will be. I am okay with that reality. I think you must learn to be content. When we learn to be content, I think more good comes to us in our life.

If I could stress anything with this little message is that dreams are great to have, they keep us moving forward, learning, and growing as humans. Dreams are the realities of what we want for our future. Without them, we can’t grow as humas. I know there are those dreams that no matter how hard you break them out, the outcome is still going to be what it is, and we are going to fall short, or it won’t happen. It doesn’t mean you are meant to stop dreaming, it just means you dream until you can’t dream anymore, and I say that day should never come for anyone. 


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